The name is known by all across the globe. The feeling is a mixture of pride for some and expectations for some. For some, the grape is a little sour anyway. Everyone has dreamt of owning one. The logo has created a strong impact everywhere. If you know mobile, then you know them is the mantra. But what is the inside story. It is simple and elegant just like the product. When Steve Jobs decided to name the company Apple, the first obvious visual was Newton. The reason behind the name Apple is not clearly understood. Ron Wayne came with the first logo of the great brand in 1976
“Newton... ‘A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone.’ ” - a quote from William Wordsworth, English poet is inscribed on sides of the logo. The logo has practical difficulties to be used in laptops. The next version was an Apple with bite (byte). The logo was designed by Rob Janoff, art director of the advertising company Regis McKenna Advertising. The reasons was the bite is to depict the byte of the computer and also in the biblical sense. The colour however was expensive to print on the devices. The name Apple was written on the side in Mottor Tektura Fontface.
In 1984, Garamond Font was introduced and the tag Think different was added below the logo. In 1998, The colour were dropped and the monochrome logo was introduced
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